“Paramount” is a short 3D animation that shows the affection, connection and complex feelings between a mother and daughter during a specific dramatic time. Through closeness, misunderstanding, fighting, separating, regret, missing, and reunion, the story explores the connection between love and hate, cherishing and regret. In the story, a daughter Lan looks for her mother Mei ten years after the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937) which split them up. She goes back to the old abandoned “Paramount” theater in Shanghai and finds someone lives there: her mother. “Paramount” depicts the resonant feeling state that occurs when memory-drenched ambience calls to mind the the feelings of a precious relationship.
2013 International Family Film Festival
2013 Fort Myers Film Festival
2012 NYC ACM SIGGRAPH Metropolitan Area College Computer Animation Festival
2012 WorldKids International Film Festival
2012 Show Me Justice Film Festival
2012 Ruby Mountain Film Festival
2012 Shnit International Short Film Festival
School of Visual Arts MFACA
Siwen Sui (Director / Animation)
Tasayu Tasnaphun (Story / Visual Development) , Mike S. (Technical Assistant), Joseph Hendel (Music)
Zhongyuan Zhang (Voice)