
“Paramount” is a short 3D animation that shows the affection, connection and complex feelings between a mother and daughter during a specific dramatic time. Through closeness, misunderstanding, fighting, separating, regret, missing, and reunion, the story explores the connection between love and hate, cherishing and regret. In the story, a daughter Lan looks for her mother Mei ten years after the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937) which split them up. She goes back to the old abandoned “Paramount” theater in Shanghai and finds someone lives there: her mother. “Paramount” depicts the resonant feeling state that occurs when memory-drenched ambience calls to mind the the feelings of a precious relationship.



2013 International Family Film Festival

2013 Fort Myers Film Festival
2012 NYC ACM SIGGRAPH Metropolitan Area College Computer Animation Festival​
2012 WorldKids International Film Festival
2012 Show Me Justice Film Festival
2012 Ruby Mountain Film Festival
2012 Shnit International Short Film Festival



School of Visual Arts MFACA


  • Siwen Sui (Director / Animation)

  • Tasayu Tasnaphun (Story / Visual Development) , Mike S. (Technical Assistant), Joseph Hendel (Music)

  • Zhongyuan Zhang (Voice)


Style Frames



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